Retail, preschool math, and Asteroids games – Top 3 Posts of the week
SlideBot automatically creates presentations from your text. Once you sign up, you enter the text you want on each slide. SlideBot analyzes the text and picks an image for each slide. It then analyzes the image for the best place to position your text, along with selecting a format for the text itself. After SlideBot creates your presentation, you…
Here are two services that allow you to receive files from others, even if they don’t have a cloud account. There are times when you need to receive files (usually large ones) from students, parents, or other teachers. You can share a folder and let them put files in the folder, but there is no…
Play is what happens when we accept these limitations, narrow our focus, and, consequently, have fun. Which is also how to live a good life. Manipulating a soccer ball into a goal is no different than treating ordinary circumstances — like grocery shopping, lawn mowing, and making PowerPoints — as sources for meaning and joy….
Preteens and teens may appear dazzlingly fluent, flitting among social-media sites, uploading selfies and texting friends. But they’re often clueless about evaluating the accuracy and trustworthiness of what they find. Some 82% of middle-schoolers couldn’t distinguish between an ad labeled “sponsored content” and a real news story on a website, according to a Stanford University study…