Starting the school year, a meme, and a comic – Top 3 of the Week
Continuing on the “tabs in Chrome” theme comes Toby. Toby is another way to organize, save, and sync your tabs in Google Chrome. As I played with it, I felt like I was working with my Chrome books, but Toby works better than that. By replacing the new tab window, Toby shows you your open and…
The Vivaldi browser – My new favorite web browser. I’m always willing to try different browsers. Since I spend most of my time on the computer in the browser, I’m always excited to try a different browser if it will make me faster and more efficient. That’s part of the reason I don’t store passwords or…
Forest is a really cool Chrome extension to help teachers and students focus Help students stay off of distracting sites. Using Flipgrid in your class for video responses Neat way to enhance class discussions. Use WriteReader with students for digital publishing and classroom ebooks Web based digital publishing platform for students.
The transformation spans hardware (thinner, lighter, smaller, cheaper, longer battery life, instant on/off, touch, sensors, connectivity, etc.), operating systems (more: secure, reliable, maintainable, robust, etc.), and app software (refactored, renewed, reimagined, etc.). It is the combination of these attributes, however, causing a change as fundamental as the leap from mainframe to workstation, from character-based to…
Two technologies have been popping up a lot lately, augmented reality and virtual reality. What are they and how can they be used? Augmented reality Augmented reality overlays a computer generated display onto your view of your current surroundings. When viewing the world with augmented reality, the furniture in the room is still there, but…