Hundreds of millions of jobs to be automated by 2030

Hundreds of millions of jobs to be automated by 2030

The McKinsey Global Institute cautions that as many as 375 million workers will need to switch occupational categories by 2030 due to automation. The work most at risk of automation includes physical jobs in predictable environments, such as operating machinery or preparing fast food. Data collection and processing is also in the crosshairs, with implications…

Technology isn’t disrupting the job market as much as anecdotal evidence suggests

Technology isn’t disrupting the job market as much as anecdotal evidence suggests

What if I told you that, contrary to the alarming headlines and eye-catching infographics you may have seen ricocheting around social media, new technologies aren’t shaking up the labor market very much by historical standards? You might think I was as loopy as a climate-change denier and suggest that I open my eyes to all…

Resistance to automation is holding back a higher standard of living in the US

Resistance to automation is holding back a higher standard of living in the US

The onslaught of robots and automation on all sorts of careers is a topic I’ve talked about previously. I believe as educators we need to be aware of the world our students will be inheriting. But one journalist doesn’t believe automation is happening fast enough. Baffling because it’s starkly at odds with the evidence, and…

Can you identify jobs that won’t be done by robots?

Can you identify jobs that won’t be done by robots?

A robot has just moved into the cubicle next to you, and you’re wondering whether it will soon take your place. Experts say humans are better at jobs that require empathy, creativity or physical dexterity than our robot competitors. For instance, in the graphs above, empathetic nurses, creative CEOs and dextrous tree pruners are all on…