The truth of creativity

The truth of creativity

Humanity has revered creativity throughout time, from the ancient Greeks to modern-day painters, poets, and web designers. It’s one of those ineffable things that’s extremely hard to define but you absolutely know it when you see it. It’s also the driving force for so many of us, to the point where we’ve created an entire…

How Brainstorming Questions, Not Ideas, Sparks Creativity | Co.Design | business + design

How Brainstorming Questions, Not Ideas, Sparks Creativity | Co.Design | business + design

Brainstorming has developed a fraught reputation, perhaps deservedly so. When groups of people are thrown together and expected to come up with original ideas, there is often too much pressure to be creative—resulting in ideas that are anything but. But what if brainstorms were designed to generate questions, not ideas? It’s an approach that’s being…