A guide to using gaming mechanics in your classroom

A guide to using gaming mechanics in your classroom

Players seek risks, challenges, rewards, and recognition when they play a game. Application of various game mechanics to learning experiences can help fulfill these ‘human motivations’. When you design a learning game, you need to choose mechanics that seem appealing for your students, whilst also ensuring that they gel well with the context and the…

If you are interesting in gamifying your classroom, check out Rezzly

If you are interesting in gamifying your classroom, check out Rezzly

Rezzly is a gamification platform for the classroom. Students interact with Rezzly through the completion of quests. There are currently 20,000 quests available from other teachers, and you can create your own. The platform takes care of all the nitty gritty data collection for you. The onboarding for students has a pretty steep usage curve,…

Grade 8 science teacher revolutionizes classroom by making it a year long RPG

Grade 8 science teacher revolutionizes classroom by making it a year long RPG

The Minotaur King has a grip on the hero, Master Heebs, who refuses to divulge where he has hidden a rare and precious gem. Tasked with liberating their master and reclaiming their resource-rich land are 22 eighth graders armed with tablets and a mini whiteboard. They will defeat the Minotaur King with a series of…