Filter student email in Google Apps for Education with a footer hashtag

Filter student email in Google Apps for Education with a footer hashtag

An option to control the flow of email in Gmail from students is to have your Google Apps for Education (GAFE) administrator add a footer to student emails. In the footer, the administrator could put a hashtag such as #studentofSCHOOL where SCHOOL is your school district or building.  The idea is that the tag is something unique. Your…

ⓔ Email subaddresses (plus aliases) in GMail (and others)

ⓔ Email subaddresses (plus aliases) in GMail (and others)

Most email providers offer subaddresses (often times call plus aliases) allowing the user an almost infinite number of addresses. Subaddresses are part of the email protocol and were devised as a way to filter email. To use a sub address, you simply add +ALIAS between your username and the @ sign in your email. For example,…

TLAH – Use +aliases and other filters in Gmail to sort student emails

TLAH – Use +aliases and other filters in Gmail to sort student emails

For teachers with Google Apps for Education, an inbox full of sharing notifications and other emails from students can sometimes be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is a way to filter your incoming email and take back your inbox. One is automatic for your students, the second is not. First, we need to create an email filter…