Student laptops do not enhance learning

Student laptops do not enhance learning

New research by scientists at Michigan State University suggests that laptops do not enhance classroom learning, and in fact students would be better off leaving their laptops in the dorm during class. Although computer use during class may create the illusion of enhanced engagement with course content, it more often reflects engagement with social media, YouTube videos,…

Laptops in the Classroom: Do They Help or Hinder Learning?

Laptops in the Classroom: Do They Help or Hinder Learning?

On the one hand, it might seem like laptops have improved the classroom experience. Everything is in one spot, you can back up your notes, typing doesn’t hurt your hands as much, and you could argue that you use less paper[1]. But do you learn more? Both students and teachers can benefit from a bunch of new psychology…

Sharing: Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say

Sharing: Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say

Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say : NPR In the study published in Psychological Science, Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California, Los Angeles sought to test how notetaking by hand or by computer affects learning. “When people type their notes they…