“Password” your Google Form, text to mp3, Google Photos – Top 3 for the week

“Password” your Google Form, text to mp3, Google Photos – Top 3 for the week

“Passsword” protect your quiz in Google Forms Create a password for your Google Forms Create an mp3 of translated text with Sound of Text Not only text to mp3, but translated text to mp3. Using your photos from Google Photos in Google Drive Directly use your Google Photos in your Google Drive documents.

ⓔ Translated text to MP3, Google Drive, Email + aliases, top posts of the week

ⓔ Translated text to MP3, Google Drive, Email + aliases, top posts of the week

Create an mp3 of translated text with Sound of Text Sound of Text is a website that will translate a short phrase and create an MP3 file of the phrase in the translated language. ⓔ Putting a file in two places at once in Google Drive with Add Here Neat little tip to use to…