Emojify images with this free tool
Source: Create emoji masterpieces with any image using this fun web tool – The Verge Sometimes a web tool comes across your desk that you didn’t know you needed, and the Emoji Mosaic site is one of those tools. Feed it an image, and it will recreate that image using emojis. I really don’t know…

Grades are affected by how professors view the students
One of the disappointing problems in higher education is the frequent existence of an “achievement gap” between underrepresented minorities and other students. It seems to be the result of various obstacles that students face along the way, from stereotypes about which groups are naturally skilled in which fields, to cultural differences that make some students…

Introduce students to Computer Science with Google’s CS First curriculum
Source: Teach Computer Science & Coding to Kids – CS First Google’s CS First computer science curriculum is a set of resources to help students learn about computer science. The materials are geared for students in grade 9-14 and use Scratch as the programming environment. The curriculum is free to use and students do not…

What are students using to chat at school? Google Docs!
When the kids in Skyler’s school want to tell a friend something in class, they don’t scrawl a note down on a tiny piece of paper and toss it across the room. They use Google Docs. “We don’t really pass physical notes anymore,” said Skyler, 15, who, like all the other students in this story,…