Notification overload
The problem with alerts is that they don’t scale. They create noise. Every time you poke everyone with a bulletin, you’ve taken attention away with no hope of giving it back. Source: Bulletins vs bulletin boards | Seth’s Blog One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is to take control of…

How could sound and interruptions affect the learning in your classroom?
How often do you find yourself quietly on your own in this noisy world? Even when you’re at work, out of the 7 to 8 hours, how many of them are your own quiet hours? A study at the University of California, Irvine, found that a typical office worker’s focused quiet time is only 11 minutes…

Learn to stop checking your phone!
How long do you think the average work email goes unread? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? 1 minute? Try 6 seconds. Source: This Is How To Stop Checking Your Phone: 5 Secrets From Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree I don’t understand how anyone get’s work done if they are immediately checking their email! When I can,…

8. Email notifications (from 13 Gmail hacks for teachers – http://u.eduk8.me/13gmailhacks)
This is part 8 of 13 Gmail hacks for teachers. Desktop notifications When you open up Gmail for the very first time, Gmail will ask you if you want desktop notifications. Once enabled, you will receive notifications for new email. But what if you blocked or closed the permissions pop up? There is a way…

Mossberg: The tyranny of messaging and notifications
Up until just a few years ago, I got around 350 emails a day, which presented me with an exhausting, time-consuming daily task that I grumbled about plenty. Now, because of social media and messaging services, that number has been cut by more than half. But things are actually worse. These days, messages come at…