3 rules on not reading off of your presentation slides

3 rules on not reading off of your presentation slides

You’ve been in that meeting. In fact, as soon as you read the title, you knew exactly what I was talking about. You’ve all experienced a presentation where the person in the front of the room stands at a podium, or before a large screen, and simply recites for you a series of bullet-points on the screen….

Visiting Slides (not Google Slides, but slides.com)

Visiting Slides (not Google Slides, but slides.com)

Revisiting Slides (not Google Slides, but slides.com). Source: Slides – Create and share presentations online Slides is an online application that can be used to create presentation. Options are always good, and if students are getting bored with Google Slides, maybe they could try Slides. Students can create a free account using their Google login. In the free…

Narrate slide shows on almost any platform with Movenote

Narrate slide shows on almost any platform with Movenote

Movenote is a website, Chrome web app, Android, and iOS app that allows you to create narrated presentations. The app supports Google authentication, so students don’t have to create accounts, and there is also an education version that removes the ads. It’s the easiest app I’ve found for allowing students (or teachers!) to record narrated slide…