Got a conference coming up? Create a QR code of your contact information with Google Sheets

Got a conference coming up? Create a QR code of your contact information with Google Sheets

I am not able to go to ISTE this year, but I’ve been following along online, and after attending the first #ISTEChat video conference there was mention of a Popl wristband that uses a QR code or NFC to share your contact info. That led me down the rabbit hole of qr codes, Vcards, and…

Clipboard history is great, and on Chromebooks it’s getting even better

Clipboard history is great, and on Chromebooks it’s getting even better

I love this small change to the ChromeOS clipboard history. Clipboard history is the ability to store more than one item in your computers clipboard. Having a clipboard history is one of my make or break features I need to be efficient on a device. In the past I’ve used Clipboard History 2 when I’m…