Top 3 of the Week
Create an mp3 of translated text with Sound of Text Use this website to create short snippets of audio of translated text. Backing up your Google account with Google Takeout How to back up your Google account. ⓔ Highlight the minimum and maximum cell in a Google Sheet column An oldie but still a goody,…
If you do a certain kind of internet search over and over again, customizing your search engines in Chrome can make that much easier. For me, obviously, it’s searching The Verge, but I also have custom engines set up for YouTube, Amazon, news from the past week, and a few more things. So, for example, when…
I found CaptureCast to be a worth screencasting tool for Chrome and Chromebooks, and I have discovered a new use for it. Since you have full control of what CaptureCast captures, you can use it as a quick webcam recorder or as a plain audio recorder. To capture audio, click on the CaptureCast icon in your…
Audiobooks are a valid listening component, providing rich exposure to sophisticated spoken words in school and at home. We’ve seen evidence of this in the work we do at Tales2go, but wanted to be more rigorous in our approach and have data to support our argument. We contracted with WestEd, a leading educational research nonprofit,…