Twitter for Teachers #YouTube
Do you want to know how to get started with Twitter? Then check this video out!
I was sitting through a presentation at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference when on one of the slides I thought I saw a progress bar for the number of slides in the presentation at the bottom of the slide. The bar was a mirage, but that started me on the trek to add progress bars…
Happy birthday to the cellphone! It was April 3, 1973, when the first cellphone call was made. Fifty years later and I’ve called someone on my cellphone once in the past 3 months. I use my phone more for ordering fast food, posting silly pics, and messaging than for calling. Internet Travels Of bits and…
Eduk8me’s Edcerpts is a monthly PDF magazine aimed at the educational community What is Edcerpts? I’ve been grasping with figuring out what’s the best way to connect the educational community with each other. There are so many doing great things, but, as always, connecting those great things with the people that will benefit is difficult….
Participate in a Twitter chat is part 3 of a 13 part series, 13 Ways Teachers Can Hack Their Learning. Although I touched on Twitter Chats yesterday, today I want dig deeper into what Twitter chats are and why you would want to participate. What is a Twitter chat? When Twitter was first released to…