40,000 pieces of art now available from the Smithsonian
The Freer and Sackler Galleries of the Smithsonian museums has released a complete digital copy of their collections. The Open F|S initiative is free to use for non-commercial purposes.
Source: Monthly Activity Calendars | Epic!: Read Amazing Children’s Books Online – Unlimited Access to the Best Books and Learning Videos For Kids 12 and Under Epic is an online digital library that is free for educators but a paid service for families. Without an account they offer free monthly activity calendars.
In honor of Minecraft’s 10th anniversary, Microsoft has created a website called Minecraft Classic. This is the original version of Minecraft released in 2009. It only works in creative mode, but you can invite up to 9 others to build with it. Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way to save your creations. Minecraft…
Source: One Page Dungeon by watabou One Page Dungeon is exactly what the title says, it creates a dungeon map all on one page. The dungeon is created with a random name, subtitle, and various objects placed in the rooms. This tool could be used as a starting point for stories. For example, in picture…
Source: borogove.app/ Interactive fiction (IF) was in its heyday in the 80s. It is a video game written as an interactive story where the player takes parts as the story unfolds. There is still an active community behind current IF, and tools such as borogove.app is an easy way to get started. Writing a program…
Create interactive multimedia easily with Buncee A neat alternative to just another slide show. 6 Things Teachers Must Try This Summer! Rejuvenate and experiment. ⓔ Highlight the minimum and maximum cell in a Google Sheet column Conditional formatting in Google Sheets.