Make tech work for you, self-control, bookmarking videos – Top 3 for the week

Make tech work for you, self-control, bookmarking videos – Top 3 for the week

13 Ways to make tech work for you – CREATE 2017 Conference Presentation My presenation and links from the CREATE Conference. Help students develop self-control with these 6 techniques Learning self-control. Vookmark is an easy way to bookmark videos on the web Quick way to save links to videos.

Vookmark is an easy way to bookmark videos on the web

Vookmark is an easy way to bookmark videos on the web

Source: Vookmark – Bookmark videos, watch later Vookmark is a web service with one goal, to help you keep track of videos you’ve watched or want to watch. Available on Chrome, Safari, Android, and iOS, Vookmark lets you bookmark a video simply by activating the extension or app. You do need to create an account, but once you are…

Is cooperation among humans innate?

Is cooperation among humans innate?

That’s because, according to research published this week in the journal Child Development, children as young as three and a half years old understand and value the obligations that accompany joint commitments. The researchers found that children who abandon a cooperative activity for an apparently selfish reason tend to prompt more resentment from their peers than…

13 Ways to make tech work for you – CREATE 2017 Conference Presentation

Today I will be presenting at the CREATE Conference. Here is my presentation along with the links to everything discussed. Presentation links: Keyboard shortcuts: Pop up keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, on a Chromebook, and more New freebie – Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet ⓔ My favorite Gmail keyboard shortcuts Speed up your iPhone and iPad…

Recap is a question and answer site created to build a culture of inquiry

Recap is a question and answer site created to build a culture of inquiry

Recap is an online service focused on one ideal, to give questions their own place. Recap allows students to ask questions, to which the teacher will respond in what Recap calls journeys. Looks like the site is free to use, as long as you don’t charge others for access to your journey. This looks to be…

Bored to distraction? Getting into the flow at Google

Bored to distraction? Getting into the flow at Google

Bored to distraction? No wonder I’m so distracted. No wonder we all are. The problem isn’t technology per se, but the expectations it has engendered: a steady stream of entertainment and stimulation. Or, as Bertrand Russell — who lived through the invention of electric lights, radio, and television — put it: “We are less bored than our ancestors were,…

Being creative requires more answers than what the data provides

Being creative requires more answers than what the data provides

So next time you’re faced with a “data-driven” scenario do this: instead of looking for the answers the data provides, look for the questions it generates. Source: If You Want to Be Creative, Don’t Be Data Driven – Microsoft Design – Medium Data always has its purpose and reason for being collected, but blindly doing…

Education Data And GPS

Education Data And GPS

Totally different paths taken with the opening up of GPS data vs education data. Yet all of the research (and the debate about education data) has created the illusion of ubiquitous education data. Instead, in practice, the parallels between education and GPS fall apart in some key ways. First, while the decision to end selective…