Designing Learning That Matters

Designing Learning That Matters

Deep learning often happens when learners encounter experiences that challenge them to figure something out, explore new information, and create a product. Source: Designing Learning That Matters Student centered, inquiry based, what a great way to learn! Too many students, especially high achieving students at the high school level have lost this spark, and have…

Dealing with disruptive behavior

Dealing with disruptive behavior

It was the last period of a gloomy Tuesday in February. The teacher, a happy, hardworking guy who relished teaching seventh-grade math as much as his students enjoyed learning it from him, let slip an uncharacteristically harsh comment as he flashed through email while students filed into his room. “Another behavior report,” he cursed softly….

First day of school, Makerspaces, future of the classroom – Top 3 of the week

13 things to do before the first day of school A few ideas on what you could do to get ready for the first day of school. Launching a Makerspace: Lessons Learned From a Transformed School Library The maker movement is getting huge! Take a step inside the classroom of tomorrow What will the classroom…

Launching a Makerspace: Lessons Learned From a Transformed School Library

Launching a Makerspace: Lessons Learned From a Transformed School Library

Excitement about school makerspaces has been in the air, but many educators eager to create hands-on learning spaces in their schools still aren’t sure how to get started or why it’s worth the effort. New Canaan High School librarian Michelle Luhtala recently jumped headfirst into creating a makerspace in her library and documented what she…

#b2s 4. Select a method of group communications

#b2s 4. Select a method of group communications

Ten years ago, communication between teachers and families consisted of newsletters and phone calls. Now, with the proliferation of smartphones and computers, there are several more options for communication. I’m going to focus on more immediate forms of communications, for example sending home time sensitive information. One of the most popular is the Remind. Remind…