While some outdated educators are hung up on making students sit, stare, and copy down their every word (by hand!), innovative educators know there is a better way. At this year’s #NYCSchoolsTech Summit teachers came together to learn about innovative ways to support teaching and learning but they weren’t focused on taking notes.
For the last two weeks of 2021 I will be revisiting past articles. This is a new experience for me because I’ve never done this before! I hope you have a wonderful and regenerative holiday break and wish the best for you and your family in 2022. https://eduk8.me/2017/02/linking-specific-spot-video-google-drive/
Brainstorming has developed a fraught reputation, perhaps deservedly so. When groups of people are thrown together and expected to come up with original ideas, there is often too much pressure to be creative—resulting in ideas that are anything but. But what if brainstorms were designed to generate questions, not ideas? It’s an approach that’s being…
Providing opportunities for students to make and create is essential in 21st-century classrooms. Children of all ages should experience the joy of seeing their work shared and celebrated. Classrooms with access to a variety of different tools have plenty of tech tool options. Source: 6 Must-Have Creation Tools for the BYOD Classroom Don’t look at…
Earlier this year, France passed a labor reform law that banned checking emails on weekends. New research—to be presented next week at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management—suggests other countries might do well to follow suit, for the sake of employee health and productivity. A new study—authored by Liuba Belkin of Lehigh University,…