Sharing: Why Pedagogy First, Tech Second Stance is Key to the Future

Sharing: Why Pedagogy First, Tech Second Stance is Key to the Future

Why Pedagogy First, Tech Second Stance is Key to the Future | EdTech Magazine While I am a huge advocate for the purposeful integration of technology in schools, we must resist the temptation to think that this is the solution to solve all the ills in our current education system. What concerns me most is…

Sharing: 5 Best Practices to Globalize Your School

Sharing: 5 Best Practices to Globalize Your School

5 Best Practices to Globalize Your School | Getting Smart Although we know what a modern education can and should look like, we struggle to provide equitable opportunities for all students. Global learning experiences in particular stand out as an element of a rigorous education that is common to some students fortunate enough to attend…

Sharing: Using the Rule of Three for Learning | Edutopia

Sharing: Using the Rule of Three for Learning | Edutopia

As it turns out, economists, chemists, aviators, and scuba divers use the Rule of Three (even Agatha Christie did when she wrote a series of plays entitled, The Rule of Three). Although it has not been labeled as the Rule of Three, great educators have used it in classrooms since Aristotle (ever heard of syllogisms?). So what is…

Sharing: 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years

Sharing: 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years

12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years – The classroom is changing because the world is changing. That may not be as true as we’d like it to be–the pace of the change in education lags awkwardly behind what we see in the consumer markets. It could be argued that…

ⓔ Ubuntu Tablet, game shows, and translating – Top Posts of the week

ⓔ Ubuntu Tablet, game shows, and translating – Top Posts of the week

First look at the Ubuntu Tablet Last Friday I received my Ubuntu Tablet, and first impressions are definitely mixed. For $300 the hardware seems to be pretty decent, and feels pretty good in the hand. The software, on the other hand, is definitely a work in progress. Quick summary: This tablet is for early adopters…

Sharing: Q&A with Paperless Classroom Innovator Kerry Gallagher

Sharing: Q&A with Paperless Classroom Innovator Kerry Gallagher

Q&A with Paperless Classroom Innovator Kerry Gallagher | EdTech Magazine As a digital learning specialist, Kerry Gallagher looks for ways for teachers and students to use technology more collaboratively. Students scour the Internet for information daily. Digital Learning Specialist Kerry Gallagher says it’s now part of her job to show students how to better leverage…