Sharing: 9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should “Unsettle” Us

Sharing: 9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should “Unsettle” Us

9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should “Unsettle” Us – Will Richardson Lately, I’ve become increasingly frustrated with our unwillingness to acknowledge these “elephants in the (class)room,” if you will, because the new contexts for modern learning forged by the networked world in which we now live are creating an imperative for new ways of…

Sharing: The Real Value of Computer Science {via @mraspinall}

Sharing: The Real Value of Computer Science {via @mraspinall}

The Real Value of Computer Science Providing students with open ended opportunities to think critically (with or without coding) creates problem solvers and independence, both of which are required skills for today’s industry. Experts have branded a set of skills as “21 Century Competencies” which include computational thinking. Coding also supports spatial sense and makes…

Sharing: All the ways iOS 9.3 will impact school iPad rollouts {via @eschoolnews}

Sharing: All the ways iOS 9.3 will impact school iPad rollouts {via @eschoolnews}

All the ways iOS 9.3 will impact school iPad rollouts | eSchool News In March, Apple upgraded the iPad and iPhone operating system to iOS 9.3 (quickly followed by iOS 9.3.1, which tweaked a few bugs). The lead up to the release caught the eye of the K-12 community, which had been waiting for a…

Sharing: Is Google teaching us anything? {via @josepicardoSHS}

Sharing: Is Google teaching us anything? {via @josepicardoSHS}

Is Google teaching us anything? – Shooting Azimuths In his book The Shallows, Nicholas Carr suggests that the internet is making us dumber. Carr finds that the vast amount of hyperlinked information available on the internet means that depth of knowledge has given way to shallowness. Casually disregarding the internet’s arguably most significant feature, Carr…

ⓔ iCab Mobile is my new favorite browser on my iPhone

ⓔ iCab Mobile is my new favorite browser on my iPhone

Browsers for iOS devices seem to proliferate like so many tribbles, but since they are bound by Apple’s rules, their performance is basically the same. It’s the features that differentiate them. After reading A Few Nice iCab Tricks for 2016, I abruptly spent my $1.99 for iCab Mobile and have been a happy camper ever since….

Sharing: Use Google Drawings for brain-friendly visual notetaking {via @jmattmiller}

Sharing: Use Google Drawings for brain-friendly visual notetaking {via @jmattmiller}

Use Google Drawings for brain-friendly visual notetaking | Ditch That Textbook A powerful way to take advantage of that is visual notetaking — recording ideas using both images and text. Some call it doodling, and many have gotten “in trouble” for doodling in class even though there were cognitive benefits of it over standard notetaking….