Create interactive multimedia and eBooks in Google Slides

Create interactive multimedia and eBooks in Google Slides

Most presentations are linear in format, one slide after another. What if you wanted to make it more interactive, allowing your students to choose the path they take? Well, you can with Google Slides. I’ve made the sample presentation public so you can see how the final product works. The following video shows how you…

Using styles in Google Docs

Using styles in Google Docs

One underutilized feature of word processors is the ability to apply styles to text. I’ve mentioned styles in Google Docs before, but today I want to look into why you would use styles. In simplest terms, styles allow you to consistently format your document while also allowing you to change the look of an entire…

ⓔ Create differentiated texts with OS X’s Summarize Service

ⓔ Create differentiated texts with OS X’s Summarize Service

Title: Create differentiated texts with OS X’s Summarize Service Author: mr.rcollins Date: 2015-07-15 17:47 Slug: create-differentiated-texts-with-os-x-s-summarize-service Category: Apps Tags: summarize,differentiation Although there are a few services that allow you to adjust the reading level of text, there is also a service built in to Apple’s OS X called Summarize. In OS X, a Service is…

ⓔ 4 ways to understand coding

ⓔ 4 ways to understand coding

Programming is a brand new literacy that is quickly becoming a necessity to using technology. When the subject of learning how to code comes up, some people mistake that for teaching everyone how to become programmers. That is not the reason to learn to code. The main reason for coding is to understand why technology is behaving how it…

ⓔ With Dropbox, anyone can send you a file, no account needed

ⓔ With Dropbox, anyone can send you a file, no account needed

Dropbox is rolling out a new feature that allows a Dropbox user to request a file from anyone. Much like, except all within the Dropbox ecosystem. It’s always good to have options, and this gives you an additional option for collecting work or files from students and others. From the Dropbox website, you will be…