Get programming with Tynker
Source: Coding for Kids | Tynker Tynker is a coding platform for kids. The site has a ton of paid content, but there is also some resources available for free. If you are looking at a coding platform to get your students programming, Tynker is one to check out.
Adobe Scan lets you scan documents with your smartphone or iPad
Source: Adobe Scan Digital PDF Scanner (iPhone), Adobe Scan: PDF Scanner with OCR, PDF Creator (Android) I’ve written about scanning documents with your smartphone, and Adobe Scan is another option. What follows is what I saw using the app on an iPhone. The experience may be different under Android. After starting the app, you are…
Create animations with
Source: ToonClip – Create meme animations in minutes ToonClip may not be polished and the available graphics are limited, but it’s still a pretty cool site. Once you put your graphics in your canvas, you can write a script to control the graphics. You are not limited to the built-in graphics, you can upload your…
A Meme, a comic, and saving bookmarks – Top 3 of the Week
Can you draw all 50 states?
Source: United States Quiz: See How Well You Can Draw All 50 States | Time This is a fun little activity, drawing the 50 states from memory. I didn’t do bad with South Dakota. My next state was Ohio, which would be really sad if I couldn’t draw it. As you draw the states, each…
Remove the background from a video for free with Unscreen
Source: Remove Video Background – Unscreen Unscreen can remove the background of short video clips(less than 5 seconds). It works pretty well. I took a video from Coverr and here is the result: Not bad.
Free graphics sets from the IconStore
Source: Free icons by first-class designers Here are some neat graphics that you or your students can use for free. They are in .svg format, so you’ll have to use an app that supports that format. This would include Boxy SVG or Gravit Designer. You could also convert the graphics with CloudConvert.