3 quick timer options

3 quick timer options

Everyone once in a while, you may need a timer for an activity in your classroom. I prefer to project a timer instead of setting a time because it’s more noticeable for the students. Here are three quick and dirty online timers. Google Timer In the Google search box or in the Chrome URL field…

Create animated gifs of screencasts and iOS devices easily with Gif Brewery 3 under OS X

Create animated gifs of screencasts and iOS devices easily with Gif Brewery 3 under OS X

I ran across this review of GIF Brewery 3 and was blown away at the app. When creating tutorials for posts, I prefer to use animated gifs since they will play right in the browser and are lighter then including video clips. Unfortunately, my workflow for creating them required me to record a screencast in Screenflow,…

Write interactive fiction with Inklewriter

Write interactive fiction with Inklewriter

Inklewriter is an online service that allows the user to write interactive fiction. What is interactive fiction? In its simplest form you can think of interactive fiction as the old choose your own adventure books. Inklewriter lets you or your students create their own interactive fiction online. This could be used with students as they author…

Narrate slide shows on almost any platform with Movenote

Narrate slide shows on almost any platform with Movenote

Movenote is a website, Chrome web app, Android, and iOS app that allows you to create narrated presentations. The app supports Google authentication, so students don’t have to create accounts, and there is also an education version that removes the ads. It’s the easiest app I’ve found for allowing students (or teachers!) to record narrated slide…