What’s the most popular browser? Chrome!

What’s the most popular browser? Chrome!

The others aren’t even close. One time market-leader Microsoft Windows’ Internet Explorer is a distant third. Source: Chrome is the most popular web browser of all | ZDNet This is based on data collected by the federal governments Digital Analytics Program (DAP), which analyzes data collected from about 5,000 government websites. In second place is…

Creating a culture of learning

Creating a culture of learning

Sir Ken Robinson said the current education system is designed to create conformist and compliant students, but this approach doesn’t honor the diversity and creativity inherent in human life. Source: Sir Ken Robinson: How to Create a Culture For Valuable Learning | MindShift | KQED News Our society was built on the diversity of its…

The increase in edtech investment

The increase in edtech investment

Previously considered risky investments, it’s true that many edtech startups — commonly founded by “teacherpreneurs” hell bent on mending education through tech innovation… Source: The broken edtech ecosystem investors once avoided is changing | TechCrunch I was surprised at the economics behind etech solutions, and, even more surprising, was the small percentage (1.4%) of educational…

Seth Godin’s Candy Diet

Seth Godin’s Candy Diet

And that’s the true danger of anti-intellectualism. While it’s foolish to choose to be stupid, it’s cultural suicide to decide that insights, theories and truth don’t actually matter. If we don’t care to learn more, we won’t spend time or resources on knowledge. We can survive if we eat candy for an entire day, but…

The truth of creativity

The truth of creativity

Humanity has revered creativity throughout time, from the ancient Greeks to modern-day painters, poets, and web designers. It’s one of those ineffable things that’s extremely hard to define but you absolutely know it when you see it. It’s also the driving force for so many of us, to the point where we’ve created an entire…