Suggestions for Twitter

Suggestions for Twitter

Twitter, in the midst of an identity crisis, turned outward to its millions of users for ideas Thursday, with CEO Jack Dorsey tweeting with them for six hours about what they hope to see from the social-media service. Source: Twitter Seeks a Little Help From Its Users – WSJ Mr. Dorsey has posted the top…

Big things for 2017?

Big things for 2017?

What a mundane list. Online hand-in is the next big thing? Really? A thinner, screen? Is this what excitement over educational technology has come to – more surveillance cameras? Source: The next big thing(s) My idea for the next big thing? When technology is viewed as a integral component in allowing students to pursue their passion and…

Eulogy for these seven edu items

Only in education, do we continue to try to breath life into things that may never have been successful – and most certainly are not now. These things are so embedded in the culture, frameworks, policies, practice and mindsets of our schools and educational organizations, that many educators just blindly accept them, implement them and…