For young brains, screen time is the best of times and the worst of times

For young brains, screen time is the best of times and the worst of times

There’s new evidence that excessive screen time early in life can change the circuits in a growing brain. Scientists disagree, though, about whether those changes are helpful, or just cause problems. Both views emerged during the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego this week. Source: TV And Videogames Rewire Young Brains, For Better And Worse…

Office of Educational Technology has released a preview of the Ed Tech Rapid Cycle Evaluation (RCE) Coach

Office of Educational Technology has released a preview of the Ed Tech Rapid Cycle Evaluation (RCE) Coach

…a year ago we called for better methods for evaluating educational apps to help states, districts and schools have more transparency into what technology was really making a difference for teaching and learning. The need to make good decisions based on evidence, as opposed to relying on marketing hype or the buzz among a small…

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

An interesting use of computer vision and machine learning to generate metadata about student engagement. This could (should|will) be used for more than just lecturing, and what if students had access to their own data? This could be a powerful tool to support self-reflection on teaching and learning… Source: Charlene Chin – Will this be the…

The Mindset Conference

The Mindset Conference

I was at a technology and education conference, earlier this week. But as I reflected on my learning from the conference, I came to the conclusion that it didn’t seem like a technology conference. Instead, it was a mindset conference. It was an innovation conference. It was a conference about the power of connectivity. It…