I’m presenting at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference 2023 #2023!

Teach Like a Hacker with Google Chrome, Drive, and Docs This presentation will show intermediate and advanced users different ways of using Google Chrome, Google Drive, and Google Docs, in their classroom. I will talk about using profiles to organize your browsing experience, using extensions to streamline school work, and bookmarks to save time. We…

🗂 How I’m organizing my school documents for the 2022-2023 school year

🗂 How I’m organizing my school documents for the 2022-2023 school year

In the past, I’ve talked about organizing my files by school year. At the beginning of the year, I would create a folder named after the school year. For example, last year’s folder was named 21-22. Inside of the folder I created the following folders: Documents Pictures Movies Downloads Any files I would re-use from…

Revisiting Linking to a specific spot in a video that is in Google Drive

Revisiting Linking to a specific spot in a video that is in Google Drive

For the last two weeks of 2021 I will be revisiting past articles. This is a new experience for me because I’ve never done this before! I hope you have a wonderful and regenerative holiday break and wish the best for you and your family in 2022. https://eduk8.me/2017/02/linking-specific-spot-video-google-drive/