Cognitive biases are systematic ways in which people deviate from rationality in making judgements. Wikipedia maintains a list such biases and one example is survivorship bias, the tendency to focus on those things or people which succeed in an endeavor and discount the experiences of those which did not.
The OneNote team continues to listen to teachers to learn about how we can help them be more productive with our software. Today, we are announcing a set of improvements across OneNote Class Notebook, Learning Tools and Office Lens. Source: Updates for OneNote Class Notebook, Learning Tools and Office Lens—plus stickers! – Office Blogs The…
Thinking takes real effort. It requires sustained attention. Scientists have known for some time that focusing your mind consumes considerable metabolic resources. But in our day-to-day lives, we discount the effort needed to pay attention and think because it doesn’t feel as physically strenuous as, say, lifting a 50-pound weight. Source: To Avoid Thinking Hard, We Will Endure…
Camp Kinda is a free online virtual camp that will run from June 1 through September 1st. Campers will receive activities every weekday that tie into the overall theme for the week. Nothing boring. We’re talking about exploring the art of graphic novels, unlocking the mysteries of history, or jumping into the world’s craziest sports….
Google announced last week that it is shutting down the URL shortening service. A URL shortening services is an online service that takes long, unwieldy addresses and creates a new, shorter address that it is easier to share. I’ve covered the Chrome extension before, which made it very easy to use. The timeline for…
So, we’ve made the decision to reverse our previously shared plans. Right now, every member can upload an unlimited number of images and patterns to Design Space for free, and we have no intention to change this policy. This is true whether you’re a current Cricut member or are thinking about joining the Cricut family…
Strategies for doing more with less include adequate PD around new technology, embracing mobile solutions, low-cost high tech, and expanding the ownership of school policy making. Source: Doing More With Less: PD, Resources, and Ownership When talking about PD, I think one piece that seems to be missing way too often is helping teachers learn…