Cognitive biases are systematic ways in which people deviate from rationality in making judgements. Wikipedia maintains a list such biases and one example is survivorship bias, the tendency to focus on those things or people which succeed in an endeavor and discount the experiences of those which did not.
How long do you think the average work email goes unread? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? 1 minute? Try 6 seconds. Source: This Is How To Stop Checking Your Phone: 5 Secrets From Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree I don’t understand how anyone get’s work done if they are immediately checking their email! When I can,…
An education is supposed to prepare you for the future. Traditionally, that meant learning certain facts and skills, like when Columbus discovered America or how to do multiplication and long division. Today, curriculums have shifted to focus on a more global and digital world, like cultural history, basic computer skills, and writing code. Yet the challenges that our…
The Fuze Code Studio, as seen on Nintendo Today, will let you write 2D and 3D games using Fuze BASIC, with access to the Joy-Con sensors and controls, along with a pack of included game graphics and sounds and the ability to make your own. For typing you can use Fuze’s touchscreen keyboard or plug in a USB…
New York Libraries are bring public domain books to life through Instagram stories. Source: The New York Public Library is using Instagram Stories to bring classic novels to your smartphone – The Verge Sure, you can subscribe to receive classic works in your email or on your smartphone, but the New York Libraries are taking it…
There’s ongoing debate in the art world about whether or not the great Renaissance painters may have used optical aids to help them trace the timeless masterpieces which now hang in galleries all around the world. But while that might be a controversial accusation for a renowned art master, the idea of drawing over a…
And today, we’re introducing a new name that better reflects this mission: G Suite. G Suite is a set of intelligent apps—Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Hangouts, and more—designed to bring people together, with real-time collaboration built in from the start. And there’s a lot more on the way. Because we believe that when organizations break…