Collect and archive tweets with Twitter TAGs
TAGS – Twitter Archiving is a Google Sheet extension that can be used to collect and archive Twitter searches. This looks like a great tool for your classroom to collect tweets.
TAGS – Twitter Archiving is a Google Sheet extension that can be used to collect and archive Twitter searches. This looks like a great tool for your classroom to collect tweets.
Everypixel is a AI powered search engine for photos. Everypixel will search 50 online photo repositories and find photos based on what you asked. The AI seems to be pretty good, except on a search for kitten one of the results was this: There isn’t a safe search option, and in my testing, a few obvious…
Source: Curriculum Pathways® Crio™ Via: “Crio” Is Going To Become A Favorite Online Tool Of Many Teachers | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… Crio is a pretty impressive tool, and a lot to cover! Once you sign up with a free account, you can use the Crio editor to create a multimedia lesson. Lessons are published to the web,…
Play Run Marco! an epic adventure game and learn to code i.e. program computers! Designed for 6 to 12 y.o. kids. Source: Allcancode – Run Marco! Have you been through all of the exercises at and want more? Or do you want something different to start your students on programming? Then All Can Code…
This add-on lets you automatically convert every mathematical equation in your document into beautiful latex images! This add-on lets you automatically convert every LaTeX equation in your document into beautiful images! Simply enclose your math equations within $$ … $$ and click the button in the sidebar, and all of your equations will be rendered…
Source: Fake Tweet Generator – Generate convincing fake tweet images The Fake Tweet Generator lets you create graphics of Tweets. They look really, really, good, as you can see above. Fake tweets can be used in student projects to emphasis information from famous people or places. I would not recommend using it to create tweets…
Google gives us several different addresses that we can enter to quickly create the different types of Google documents. However, this dumps them all in the root of your Google Drive. I’ve written directions on creating links to place the new files in a specific folder and shown how to quickly create documents. However, creating…