Create interactive fiction in Google Docs #YouTube
Go beyond boring writing assignments by create interactive fiction (in the vein of the choose your own adventure books) in Google Docs!
This add-on lets you automatically convert every mathematical equation in your document into beautiful latex images! This add-on lets you automatically convert every LaTeX equation in your document into beautiful images! Simply enclose your math equations within $$ … $$ and click the button in the sidebar, and all of your equations will be rendered…
Microsoft Office templates for teachers – Use them in Google Docs! Source: The Best Microsoft Office Templates for Teachers Going Back to School I shared a link to The Best Microsoft Office Templates for Teachers Going Back to School on Twitter, but then I realized that these templates may be of use to Google Docs users. I tested…
Source: Write an If-Then Adventure Story – Applied Digital Skills If you haven’t realized, I like interactive fiction (IF) and have written several posts on creating IF. Someone at Google likes is to because Google has created an entire lesson plan on creating IF in Google Slides. Although it is broken up into 4 lessons,…
Source: Change Case – Google Docs add-on When I stumbled upon this add-on, I was thinking, “Doesn’t Google Docs offer a change case tool?”. Apparently, it doesn’t, but with this add-on, it can! This is great to use when you are trying to CORRECT SOMEONE WHO HAS DECIDED TO YELL THROUGHOUT YOUR DOCUMENT.
If you are signed in to multiple Google accounts in Google Chrome, this video will show you how to create bookmarks to directly open a particular Google account.Links: 📽 Bookmark All the Things in G Suite – 📽 Creating Profiles for multiple people using Chrome – 📰 Sign up for my newsletter –…