NASA eBooks, Comic, and Mac writing apps – Top 3 of the Week
Your shift key is a super hero in disguise. During the day, it has the mundane job of making letters upper case, and allowing you to prefix your hashtags with the # sign, but it can do more… A lot more. Presenting: The hidden power of the shift key! Power 1: Adding blank lines in…
Adobe Spark brings easy-animation apps to the web Now the company is bringing all three of those apps under a new name, and also introducing a web version of the software. The new Adobe Spark suite includes Adobe Spark Video (formerly Slate), Adobe Spark Page (formerly Slate), and Adobe Spark Post (which was just Post…
It’s distressing to think that the sound of a baby crying reduces our mental agility just at the moment when we most need it. But it helps to take the long view of parenthood and its effects on our intellectual capacities. In her wonderful book The Mommy Brain: How Motherhood Makes Us Smarter, journalist Katherine Ellison reviews…
The other thing that is not entirely obvious is that Playgrounds has full access to the entire iOS API. This means that there is effectively no limit on the complexity of Playground that you can build. You can use APIs like Core Location, WebKit, MapKit, Core Motion, Networking and Core Bluetooth. One of the demos…