Fact checking, comic, and Edtech – Top 3 of the Week
https://eduk8.me/2018/09/5-unbiased-fact-checking-sites/ https://eduk8.me/2018/09/comic-buckle-down/ https://eduk8.me/2018/09/does-edtech-improve-or-harm-education/
Study Reconfirms that Internet Content Filters are Expensive and Don’t Work
In a paper entitled Internet Filtering and Adolescent Exposure to Online Sexual Material, Oxford Internet Institute researchers Victoria Nash and Andrew Przybylski found that Internet filters rarely work to keep adolescents away from online porn. “It’s important to consider the efficacy of Internet filtering,” said Dr, Nash. “Internet filtering tools are expensive to develop and…
How does tech affect the brain and reading?
For anyone who has ever been a reader, there’s much to sympathize with in Maryanne Wolf’s Reader, Come Home. The UCLA neuroscientist, a great lover of literature, tries to read Hermann Hesse’s Glass Bead Game, an old favorite, only to realize that she finds him boring and too complex. She wonders why he ever won a Nobel….
Does edtech improve or harm education?
Multimedia technologies penetrate into various spheres of educational activity. The spread of innovations is facilitated by external factors associated with the ubiquitous informatization of society and the need for appropriate preparation of schoolchildren, as well as by internal factors related to the popularization of modern computer equipment and software in schools, the adoption of state…
Vivaldi 2.0 is out – now with syncing!
Vivaldi 2.0 is out – now with syncing! Vivaldi is my new favorite browser, and now it has fixed my biggest issue. You can set up an account and sync your Vivaldi set up. Not all preferences sync, but it’s a start. Head on over to vivaldi.com to update or download the 2.0 update!
5 Unbiased Fact Checking Sites
Fact checking has its origin in the early 20th century when magazines began to verify statements made in non-fictional texts prior to publication. But the impact of fake news has soared in recent years. This means that ordinary people are increasingly skeptical of what they read online and hear from others. So in the…
Bad tweeting, Vivaldi browser, iOS 12 comic – Top 3 of the Week
https://eduk8.me/2018/09/profane-tweets-costs-a-woman-her-nasa-internship/ https://eduk8.me/2018/09/getting-started-with-vivaldi/ https://eduk8.me/2018/09/comic-ios-12/
Without the why, PD fails
No matter what sort of change is going on in your industry, if you don’t teach people why to do things differently and what to do differently, they will do the same old stuff. Effective training doesn’t just happen once. It doesn’t just cover theory. It explains exactly what to do, and it reinforces these…