📞 Free distance learning curriculum, ungrading, goal setting, and more – Edcerpts for February 27, 2023

📞 Free distance learning curriculum, ungrading, goal setting, and more – Edcerpts for February 27, 2023

Internet Travels Edcerpts are my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week Apps Tony Vincent posted a toot about The Achievery (via a blogpost by Shannon Miller), a free digital learning platform for distance learning. The site is a collaboration…

Edcerpts Call for Submissions

Edcerpts Call for Submissions

Eduk8me’s Edcerpts is a monthly PDF magazine aimed at the educational community What is Edcerpts? I’ve been grasping with figuring out what’s the best way to connect the educational community with each other. There are so many doing great things, but, as always, connecting those great things with the people that will benefit is difficult….

📺 Curated videos, teenage sleep, public domain books, and more – Edcerpts for February 20, 2023

📺 Curated videos, teenage sleep, public domain books, and more – Edcerpts for February 20, 2023

Internet Travels Edcerpts are my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week Apps The Kid Should See This is a curated collection of over 5,000 kid friendly videos from across the web. The videos are organized by topic or you…

Edcerpts for February 13, 2023

Edcerpts for February 13, 2023

Internet Travels Edcerpts are my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week Quick and dirty Edcerpts for the week, I’ve been working on my Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC) presentations in all of my free time. If you’re in Columbus…

I’m presenting at the Ohio Educational Technology Conference 2023 #2023!

Teach Like a Hacker with Google Chrome, Drive, and Docs This presentation will show intermediate and advanced users different ways of using Google Chrome, Google Drive, and Google Docs, in their classroom. I will talk about using profiles to organize your browsing experience, using extensions to streamline school work, and bookmarks to save time. We…

Easily copy the current web page or all open web pages with the TabCopy extension

Easily copy the current web page or all open web pages with the TabCopy extension

I’m a big fan of tabs, as is evident by my work computer approaching 200 open tabs. TabCopy is a favorite extension of mine, letting me copy the address of the current tab or all tabs in the window to the clipboard. Installing the extension In your favorite Chromium based browser (probably Google Chrome but…

🧮 Virtual calculators, ChatGPT, and Gen Z’s technology woes – Edcerpts for February  6, 2023

🧮 Virtual calculators, ChatGPT, and Gen Z’s technology woes – Edcerpts for February 6, 2023

Internet Travels Edcerpts are my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week Apps Does anyone else remember the Little Professor Calculator? According to my teachers it was destined to ruin math for us, but I digress. If you feel nostalgic…