Lower productivity and innovation due to security?

Lower productivity and innovation due to security?

Most security teams use a “prohibition approach” of restricting user access to websites and applications, according to a study conducted by Vanson Bourneand commissioned by Bromium Research. However, this approach not only hampers productivity and innovation, but is a major source of frustration for users, according to the survey of 500 CISOs from large enterprises in…

How creativity works

How creativity works

What makes humans special? Some credit should go to the opposable thumb and the larynx, says neuroscientist David Eagleman, but a lot of it has to do with our ability to be creative and constantly think up new ideas. Eagleman, a professor at Stanford University and writer, collaborated with composer and Rice University professor Anthony…

More math in preschool?

More math in preschool?

But what about math? Deborah Stipek, a professor at Stanford and the former dean of the school of education, says math is just as important—if not more—to laying the foundations for educational success. But we are not nearly as focused on planting the seeds for a future love of math as we are for reading….

How the downfall of retail relates to education

How the downfall of retail relates to education

In “The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America,” the Berkshire Hathaway CEO lays out a problem that plagues many businesses: prioritizing short-term goals over long-term success. “If management makes bad decisions in order to hit short-term earnings targets, and consequently gets behind the eight-ball in terms of costs, customer satisfaction or brand strength, no…

Check out the best STEM jobs, not all STEM is equal

Check out the best STEM jobs, not all STEM is equal

Much of the public enthusiasm for STEM education rests on the assumption that these fields are rich in job opportunity. Some are, some aren’t. STEM is an expansive category, spanning many disciplines and occupations, from software engineers and data scientists to geologists, astronomers and physicists. What recent studies have made increasingly apparent is that the…

Writing longhand

Writing longhand

And yet I’ve been increasingly bemused to realize that by real-world measures of productivity — words written, problems solved, good ideas crystallized — my output has not only not multiplied along with the power of my tools, it hasn’t increased one bit. Not only that: I’ve had for some time the gnawing feeling that my…