Sessionbox allows multiple logins to the same site in Chrome

Sessionbox allows multiple logins to the same site in Chrome

Although Chrome allows multiple profiles and offers an Incognito mode, sometimes you want to use different accounts with a web service. Google handles multiple logins pretty well, but there are other sites that do not. Sessionbox allows you to have multiple tabs open to the same site, each tab being it’s own separate entity. Multiple…

Managing your email effectively – your inbox is not an organizational tool

Managing your email effectively – your inbox is not an organizational tool

Email is the technology that everyone loves to hate. They use it daily, and most hate every minute of it. I believe part of the problem is the difficulty in coming up with a workflow managing your email effectively. And by effectively, I mean that whether you are on your computer, a tablet, or smartphone, you…

Pop up keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, on a Chromebook, and more

Pop up keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, on a Chromebook, and more

Although I’ve created a couple of cheat sheets for remembering keyboard shortcuts, there are other ways to remind yourself which key does what. A lot of Google products have a key sequence that will show you the keyboard shortcuts for the current product: Product Show Keyboard Gmail* Shift – / Chromebook Control – Alt –…

Icons, behavior, two-factor authentication – Top 3 posts for the week

Icons, behavior, two-factor authentication – Top 3 posts for the week

Free icons to use for badges from OpenClipart OpenClipart has some great choices to help you create badges or other graphics for your classroom. Giving privacy for better behavior When always watching, there may be some consequences when you’re not watching. Keep your accounts safe with two factor authentication What is two-factor authentication and why…

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

An interesting use of computer vision and machine learning to generate metadata about student engagement. This could (should|will) be used for more than just lecturing, and what if students had access to their own data? This could be a powerful tool to support self-reflection on teaching and learning… Source: Charlene Chin – Will this be the…