ⓔ Translated text to MP3, Google Drive, Email + aliases, top posts of the week

ⓔ Translated text to MP3, Google Drive, Email + aliases, top posts of the week

Create an mp3 of translated text with Sound of Text Sound of Text is a website that will translate a short phrase and create an MP3 file of the phrase in the translated language. ⓔ Putting a file in two places at once in Google Drive with Add Here Neat little tip to use to…

Sharing: When Teachers Want Professional Development Hours

Sharing: When Teachers Want Professional Development Hours

When Teachers Want Professional Development Hours – Cooper on Curriculum A few weeks ago I was notified that a couple of teachers were looking to engage in a book study as part of their required yearly professional development hours. These teachers wanted a book recommendation… Yes, some argue there are several problems with an hours-based…

Sharing: Hacking, Innovating and Failing Well—How Tech Sector Principles Can Revolutionize Education Workplaces

Sharing: Hacking, Innovating and Failing Well—How Tech Sector Principles Can Revolutionize Education Workplaces

Hacking, Innovating and Failing Well—How Tech Sector Principles Can Revolutionize Education Workplaces | EdSurge News Operating within archaic organizational structures, very few of our nation’s teachers have opportunities to incubate and execute ideas prompted by their deep knowledge of students, families, and communities. This includes ideas about how best to integrate technology. What if—along with…

Sharing: Dr Sue Black explains how tech won us the second world war

Sharing: Dr Sue Black explains how tech won us the second world war

Dr Sue Black explains how tech won us the second world war | Tech City News Imagine saving over 22 million lives, but not being able to talk about it – not even the slightest brag. Nothing. Well, that was reality for those who worked in the codebreaking department at Bletchley Park. A reality that…