The Biodiversity Heritage Library has 150,000 images and sketches available for free
Source: About BHL – Information about the Biodiversity Heritage Library Their Flickr album is probably not the best way to find images, but their Biodiversity Heritage Library Portal has a search feature. The publications are pretty high level, so the site is more of a resource for teachers and high schoolers instead of elementary students.
Search Gmail faster with search chips
We’re introducing search chips in Gmail, an easier way to sort and filter search results to find exactly what you’re looking for faster. For example, you can search a colleague’s name and further narrow your results by selecting search chips like attachment type (Text document, Spreadsheet, PDF) or a specific timeframe. You can also filter…
Sheetscon, ezgif, and free activities & handouts – Top 3 of the Week
The need for conferences
What I want to say is that in the span of my career little has changed or advanced about the ways of academic conference activity. The very first one I attended in 1992 baffled me– a room full of people watching a speaker at a lectern read slides about the need to change the way…
Free online activities and handouts are available from Mr. Nussbaum
Source: Mr. Nussbaum – Educational Games, Activities, Resources for Kids Ages 5-14 and Teacher Tools. If you teach grades 1-6, then check out Mr. Nussbaum’s website. There are tons of resources available for free and also a subscription model. What makes Mr. Nussbaum’s website pretty cool is that he offers not only online activities, but…
Create animated gifs and crop video with ezGIF
Source: Animated GIF editor and GIF maker As I was preparing for my conference presentations, I needed a cropped animation. So, naturally, I started searching the web for some tools that would let me crop video and I came across ezGif. Not only can you create animated gifs, you can edit and crop video, add…