Showing multiple inboxes in Gmail #YouTube
Keep your most important emails easily viewable in Gmail with Multiple Inboxes.
Google Jamboard is not quite the replacement for Explain Everything or SMARTNotebook, but it is a contender. Jamboard allows better collaboration between you and your students, and is especially beneficial for schools with touchscreen Chromebooks. I mention how to create graphic organizers in Google Slides, here’s my video on how to do it.
Do you want to start blogging? Here’s what I would do if I was just starting out.
Freedom to move about the room and teach! I’m not a big fan of being stuck at the front of the room with the computer or interactive whiteboard. I demonstrate how I use a mobile device, in this case a tablet, to control the computer plugged in to the projector. With Chrome Remote Desktop you…
Over the years I’ve played around with easy ways to collect and search information, but never really satisfied with the outcome. Last week I had the idea to try to use GMail as a journal, and so far it is working pretty well. Why GMail? I wanted something that was frictionless to use. What do…
I think we’ve all been there, working on an email, usually a reply, when we realize that we need to involve someone else in the email. In the past, you would stop your email, go to the To:, CC:, or BCC: field. After typing the person’s email address to add them to the reply, you would then…
G Suite’s journey began 15 years ago with the introduction of Gmail in 2004. Back then, Gmail pioneered a new and secure approach to email with 1GB of free storage and lightning-fast Google search built right in. Gmail continues to help people manage their work and personal lives with the help of useful innovations—from priority…