Introduction to Google Sites #YouTube
Create a great looking website for free with Google Sites!
The other day I came across a web app that allowed users to print GIF animations as flipbooks. The site – – isn’t working anymore but the idea is nonetheless interesting. The app extracts all the image frames of the animated GIF, arranges the individual frames in sequence, like a contact sheet, and then…
Here is the absolute most fastest way to open up files from your Google Drive, especially files like Google docs, Google sheets, etc. The Google Drive app There are two ways to access Google Drive, through the browser or through the app. A lot of people only interact with Google drive through the browser, but…
Stop writing down your passwords. When you use a password manager, each password can be unique and secure, with the added bonus that you don’t have to remember it.
Trying to find something in your Google Drive can be a daunting task, but here are some search tips that you can use. Other useful videos: Bookmark all the things in Google Workspace Organizing Google Drive
These are my top 5 FREE tools for teachers. Not just freemium where you get a few features for free, I’m talking about services in which you get ALL access for free. The list also doesn’t include any Google tools. Canva Adobe Spark Loom for Education Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Davinci Resolve