🙋‍♂️ Summer Links Only Special – Of bits and bytes for July 22, 2024
Internet Travels
Of bits and bytes is my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week
With it being summer and me not wanting to get burned out, for June and July the Of Bits and Bytes newsletter will be links only. Hopefully that won’t be too boring for you, but I also want you to get a chance to recharge. The full newsletter will return in August!
Learn21 is a proud sponsor of Eduk8me and the Of Bits and Bytes newsletter. Read more about their mission at Learn21.
- Real, actual Markdown support is arriving in Google Docs, not a moment too soon | Ars Technica
- Microsoft’s Designer app arrives on iOS and Android with AI editing and creation – The Verge
- How Games Run Everything from Online Dating to Social Media to Stock Markets | Scientific American
- PROOF POINTS: Asian American students lose more points in an AI essay grading study — but researchers don't know why
- Trying Harder Increases Cognitive Effort and Enhances Memory | Psychology Today
- Is AI bad for your mental health? Spoiler – it could well be…
- ChromeOS ending ‘Lacros’ browser effort in light of Android futureÂ
- OpenAI reportedly nears breakthrough with “reasoning” AI, reveals progress framework | Ars Technica
- “Superhuman” Go AIs still have trouble defending against these simple exploits | Ars Technica
Pop Culture
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