Is the innovation in our classroom simply what we’ve always done, except with technology?

Is the innovation in our classroom simply what we’ve always done, except with technology?

A few months ago, I noticed an increased amount of discussion around the notion of blended learning. Many of these conversations started on a similar note: “We’re blended—all of our teachers use Google Classroom” (or Edmodo, Schoology, Canvas, Moodle, etc.). However, in probing further, I often discovered that these tools had merely digitized existing content…

5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom & How We Screw Them Up

5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom & How We Screw Them Up

Using technology to enhance learning is an incredibly exciting idea, and as an area of education is growing fast.Blended learning, mobile learning, connectivism, and other increasingly popular ideas all owe their existence to technology. But the reality in the majority of public schools in the United States is less than cutting edge. While there is…

What does a highly effective teacher who uses technology look like?

What does a highly effective teacher who uses technology look like?

In most ways, teachers that use technology in the classroom aren’t much different than those that don’t. Any teacher worth their salt assesses, and then revises planned instruction based on data from those assessments.They manage their classroom in a way that works for them, create a positive learning environment, and (great teachers especially) collaborate with…

Role of ed tech in schools

Role of ed tech in schools

One of the most exciting trends in education today is the integration of technology to enhance instruction and learning. Schools have only scratched the surface when it comes to learning technology, and this knowledge-action-resource gap further exacerbates the overwhelming “kid in a candy store” mentality. Source: End Your Fixation on Tech Tools | EdTech Magazine…

15 more edtech trends for 2017

15 more edtech trends for 2017

With every new year comes new ideas. To get a glimpse into what the next 12 months will hold for everything from professional development to digital learning, and from communication to virtual real… Source: 15 hot edtech trends for 2017 Instead of one person’s opinion, this article lists the responses from several people in the…

High tech change

High tech change

Nobody likes change, but the fact is that change is at our doorstep.  Changes in technology are quickly beginning to force the hands of schools and districts across the world. This poses some good news for students, as transformation efforts are under way to provide authentic learning experiences that provide relevance, value, and tangible skills…