Problem solving

Problem solving

The fundamental tension in UX design is that we don’t know what we don’t know. Assertive Instincts hide these gaps in our understanding. If the are especially assertive they can actually slow down better understanding. The only way forward is to question our assumptions, but this is a hard way to live! If you question…

Forbes has 4 bold predictions in K12 education for the next decade

Forbes has 4 bold predictions in K12 education for the next decade

What will happen in K12 education over the next decade? These predications range from bold to practical and give hope that this could be a golden decade in the education world. Source: Four Bold Predictions In K12 Education For The Next Decade As much as I would like to think education is moving forward, a…

The air quality in your school can have a huge impact on learning

The air quality in your school can have a huge impact on learning

He finds that math scores went up by 0.20 standard deviations and English scores by 0.18 standard deviations, and the results hold up even when you control for “detailed student demographics, including residential ZIP Code fixed effects that help control for a student’s exposure to pollution at home.” Source: Air filters create huge educational gains…



After a certain point in time, I began to realize that if I actually memorized all of this stuff—or tried to—I might be spending all my time memorizing and doing little else. It really begs the question, what is worth memorizing? Source: To memorize or not to memorize? – DEV Community ?‍??‍? When everything is a…

Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

When someone tells you what you need to hear, instead of what you’re hoping to hear, you’ve found something priceless. Source: Deep connection | Seth’s Blog Several years ago I interviewed the for the technology coordinator job in a school district. I was totally happy in my current job, but when the opportunity arose to…

Moving past the marshmallow test to predict future success

Moving past the marshmallow test to predict future success

Kindergarten children whose teachers rate them as being highly inattentive tend to earn less in their 30s than classmates who are rated highly “pro-social,” according to a recent paper in JAMA Psychiatry. In fact, inattention could prove to be a better predictor of future educational and occupational success than the famous “marshmallow test” designed to assess a…

A child’s educational success is dependent on their background

A child’s educational success is dependent on their background

Children of similar cognitive ability have very different chances of educational success; it still depends on their parents’ economic, socio-cultural and educational resources. This contradicts a commonly held view that these days that our education system has developed enough to give everyone a fighting chance. Source: Educational success among children of similar cognitive ability depends…

Does edtech improve or harm education?

Does edtech improve or harm education?

Multimedia technologies penetrate into various spheres of educational activity. The spread of innovations is facilitated by external factors associated with the ubiquitous informatization of society and the need for appropriate preparation of schoolchildren, as well as by internal factors related to the popularization of modern computer equipment and software in schools, the adoption of state…

How the downfall of retail relates to education

How the downfall of retail relates to education

In “The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America,” the Berkshire Hathaway CEO lays out a problem that plagues many businesses: prioritizing short-term goals over long-term success. “If management makes bad decisions in order to hit short-term earnings targets, and consequently gets behind the eight-ball in terms of costs, customer satisfaction or brand strength, no…