Public Domain Day is coming!

Public Domain Day is coming!

On January 1, 2021, copyrighted works from 1925 will enter the US public domain,1 where they will be free for all to use and build upon. These works include books such as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time, and Franz Kafka’s The Trial (in the original German), silent films featuring Harold Lloyd…

Find when words were first used in print with Time Traveler by Merriam-Webster

Find when words were first used in print with Time Traveler by Merriam-Webster

Source: Time Traveler by Merriam-Webster Time Traveler by Merriam-Webster lets you select a year, and it will then show you the words that were first used in print from that year. You can also type a word in to the search and see not only the definition, but also the year it was first used….

Fablement allows you to write interactive stories in your browser

Fablement allows you to write interactive stories in your browser

Source: fablement You may already be using Twine, Inklewriter, Netstory, or Squiffy to write interactive fiction, and here’s another option. Fablement is not only a platform for creating interactive fiction, but it is also a source for stories written by others. Signing up can be done with a Google, Facebook, or Apple sign in, or…

TeachingBooks has hundreds of thousands of premade resources for children’s and teen’s books

TeachingBooks has hundreds of thousands of premade resources for children’s and teen’s books

Source: TeachingBooks | Author & Book Resources to Support Reading Education Via: How In The World Am I Just Learning About “Teaching Books”?! The site has an impressive collection of resources! After sign up you get 2 weeks of full access to everything, to continue after that there are various licensing tiers available. Resources are…

Your brain is not putting its best foot forward when reading text.

Your brain is not putting its best foot forward when reading text.

By analysing brain activity, researchers found that the brain regulates its resource use and tries to identify the most essential information.A recently completed study indicates that the human brain avoids taking unnecessary effort. When a person is reading, she strives to gain as much information as possible by dedicating as little of her cognitive capacity…

Reading science fiction and fantasy may help students cope

Reading science fiction and fantasy may help students cope

Young people who are “hooked” on watching fantasy or reading science fiction may be on to something. Contrary to a common misperception that reading this genre is an unworthy practice, reading science fiction and fantasy may help young people cope, especially with the stress and anxiety of living through the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Science fiction…