🙋‍♂️ SMART goals, making classes creative, and more cellphone bans – Of bits and bytes for May 13, 2024

🙋‍♂️ SMART goals, making classes creative, and more cellphone bans – Of bits and bytes for May 13, 2024

Internet Travels Of bits and bytes is my weekly round up of interesting links and ideas I discovered on the internet. It is published on Mondays for the previous week Learn21 is a proud sponsor of Eduk8me and the Of Bits and Bytes newsletter. Read more about their mission at Learn21. Apps Google is updating…

For surgical residents, learning comes easier when stress is removed

For surgical residents, learning comes easier when stress is removed

University of Houston and Methodist Hospital researchers are reporting in Scientific Reports that the best way to train surgeons is to remove the stress of residency programs and make surgery a hobby. Under relaxed conditions outside a formal educational setting, 15 first-year medical students, who aspired one day to become surgeons, mastered microsurgical suturing and…

“Imprisoned by our own need for amusement”

“Imprisoned by our own need for amusement”

It wasn’t Nineteen Eighty-Four that had the most to say about the America of the 1980s, but rather Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. “In Huxley’s vision,” Postman noted, “no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity, and history.” Instead: “People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that…