Code Guppy – Hour of Code

Code Guppy – Hour of Code

Source: CodeGuppy | Free Coding platform for kids, teens and creative adults Have you done everything you can with Scratch and the Hour of Code website and you want to try something new? Then check out CodeGuppy! CodeGuppy is an entirely free learn to code site designed for kids, but useable for adults. Teachers can…

Arizona Bill Would Make Students In Grades 4-12 Participate Once In An Hour of Code

Arizona Bill Would Make Students In Grades 4-12 Participate Once In An Hour of Code

\Recognize this language? ¿Cual es su nombre? How about this one? { console.log(“Name: “ + myString); } The first one is Spanish. The next, although those are English words, is JavaScript, a computer language. Computers are everywhere, from microwaves to phones, from cars to the international space station. They may have different functions, but they…

Hour of Code is 2 weeks away

Hour of Code is 2 weeks away

Hour of Code is a global event which aims to pull back the curtain on technology and give students a chance to see what coding (programming) is like. There are over 200 activites and lesson plans encompassing students from pre-readers up to high school. The search activities page has a set of categories so you can search for exactly…