Can robots help children with autism learn social skills?

Can robots help children with autism learn social skills?

“This is nice, it tickles me,” Kaspar the social robot tells four-year-old Finn as they play together at an autism school north of London. Kaspar, developed by the University of Hertfordshire, also sings song, imitates eating, plays the tambourine and combs his hair during their sessions aimed at helping Finn with his social interaction and…

Robot teachers

Robot teachers

A writer for The Guardian warns that artificial intelligence will be taking over many jobs that we previously assumed were safe from automation. Like teaching. Source: Is That “Teaching”? We’re still in the dark ages of what artificial intelligence will be able to do. Sure, we have AlphaGo being able to make “beautiful” moves in the game of…

Automation and robots affect on society in the near future

Automation and robots affect on society in the near future

Automation is happening, and it will bring substantial benefits to businesses and economies worldwide, but it won’t arrive overnight. A new McKinsey Global Institute report finds realizing automation’s full potential requires people and technology to work hand in hand. Source: Harnessing automation for a future that works | McKinsey & Company An eye-opening account into…

What jobs will be available in 30 years?

What jobs will be available in 30 years?

For example, robot journalists in the Associated Press wrote thousands of stories last year, mostly about listed companies’ earnings and sports news. The automated technology has proved to be highly accurate in reporting on standardized topics, and was extremely fast. A report on a listed firm’s results could be churned out in a second. AP’s…

The robots are coming, are you ready?

The robots are coming, are you ready?

Information technology evolves through disruption waves. First the computer, then the web and eventually social networks and smartphones all had the power to revolutionize how people live and how businesses operate. They destroyed companies that weren’t able to adapt, while creating new winners in growing markets. Source: The AI disruption wave | TechCrunch Manufacturing output…

Almost every job will require technology in the future

Almost every job will require technology in the future

Pick any field “X,” from archaeology to zoology. There either is now a “computational X”, or there soon will be. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, farmers, whatever—the future of all these professions will be full of computational thinking. Whether it’s sensor-based medicine, computational contracts, education analytics or agriculture—success is going to rely on being able to do…

Educating students in a world run by robots

Educating students in a world run by robots

Stop educating students for jobs that won’t exist The robots are coming – and they may put your friendly neighborhood retail staffer out of work. Home-improvement superstore Lowe’s recently began employing robot sales assistants in some of its stores. The robots can answer questions in multiple languages and take customers directly to what they’re looking…