Computer security experts are flocking to Google Chromebooks

Computer security experts are flocking to Google Chromebooks

Thanks to the early focus on preventing cyberattacks, Chromebooks are also a hit with the security community. Security experts commonly recommend Chromebooks, whether it’s for the relative who somehow always ends up with spyware toolbars or the researcher heading to a hackers’ meetup. And it’s not about complicated encryption or security tricks — Chromebooks have…

Lower productivity and innovation due to security?

Lower productivity and innovation due to security?

Most security teams use a “prohibition approach” of restricting user access to websites and applications, according to a study conducted by Vanson Bourneand commissioned by Bromium Research. However, this approach not only hampers productivity and innovation, but is a major source of frustration for users, according to the survey of 500 CISOs from large enterprises in…

Store your passwords and notes securely with Lastpass

Store your passwords and notes securely with Lastpass

Source: Lastpass One of the easiest ways for you to stay secure online is to use a password manager. Instead of using a password such as monkey182 on every site you use, a password manager lets you easily use a different password each site. Plus, each password can be very complex, such as r3E5u4*2AS2y. Lastpass is a great…

An amazing step by step guide for securing your technology

An amazing step by step guide for securing your technology

Privacy is what sets us apart from the animals. It’s also what sets many countries and citizens apart from dictatorships and despots. People often don’t think about their rights until they need them — whether it’s when they’re arrested at a protest or pulled over for a routine traffic stop. Source: Online security 101: Tips…

Icons, behavior, two-factor authentication – Top 3 posts for the week

Icons, behavior, two-factor authentication – Top 3 posts for the week

Free icons to use for badges from OpenClipart OpenClipart has some great choices to help you create badges or other graphics for your classroom. Giving privacy for better behavior When always watching, there may be some consequences when you’re not watching. Keep your accounts safe with two factor authentication What is two-factor authentication and why…