A comic, webcam recorder, and a meme – Top 3 of the Week
Using the Chrome speech API, dictation.io is a quick and simple speech to text web app. Requiring no registration, dictation.io works a lot like Voice Typing in Google Docs. Click the START DICTATION button and start talking. The document is saved in the browser, but I could see this being used to enter text into the computer…
Read is part 4 of a 13 part series, 13 Ways Teachers Can Hack Their Learning. Read! No, I’m not being ironic. Reading is a pretty popular activity in the United States, with over 75% of adults having read at least one book in the last year. As school teachers, we get caught up in all of the…
https://eduk8.me/2022/01/winnie-the-pooh-bambi-and-more-enter-public-domain/ https://eduk8.me/2022/01/use-pdfcandy-for-all-of-your-pdf-manipulation-needs/ https://eduk8.me/2022/01/not-a-good-idea-comic/
This is article 6 from 13 things to do before the first day of school. Sending home a newsletter on the first day of school is a way to inform parents about how your classroom will work for the upcoming year, and, more importantly, allow you to set up various communication channels for you, your students,…
Google Photos is a great place to store your school photos, especially if you are a Google Apps for Education school since you will have unlimited space for those photos. Your photos can be used in Google Drive documents, but a lot of teachers like to create slideshows of their photos. Google doesn’t offer a…
This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. Technology troubleshooting and mindset When I’m working with others, I have a question I use to figure out their mindset: When technology goes wrong, what do you do? If they answer that they…