A Google a Day
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Source: A Google a Day
Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Source: 15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students I’m more of a fan of lists like this to use for inspiration in creating my own, especially since some of these resources do cost. This is a great list to get started with on helping your students plan and prepare for their workload. It seems…
Google offers all sorts of neat little tricks with the URL of a Google Drive document, and the /preview trick is one of the best. I’m going to demonstrate the /preview trick with Google Slides, since that’s when it’s most noticeable. For my classes, I have prepared lessons in Google Slides. This is a pretty…
Source: Write an If-Then Adventure Story – Applied Digital Skills If you haven’t realized, I like interactive fiction (IF) and have written several posts on creating IF. Someone at Google likes is to because Google has created an entire lesson plan on creating IF in Google Slides. Although it is broken up into 4 lessons,…
Building on my automatic creation of student placards, here’s how you can add QR codes to the student placards. This mean you can link to videos or websites to provide more information about the project.
Who Is Responsible for Tech Abuse? For as long as there has been social media, kids have been getting punished for its “misuse” (in the eyes of adults). Because of this perceived inappropriate behavior in social media, many schools have blocked Facebook, Twitter, and other frequently-used social media sites from their students. Smart phones are…
When I saw Google Classroom for the first time, my immediate thought was, “This is clearly an under-funded product that ranks fairly low on the list of Google’s priorities.” Our kids use the iPad version and, setting aside the inconvenient fact that it’s at least a few steps behind Google Classroom in the browser, the…