Watch livestreams of Dr. Robert Ballard’s research vehicle Nautilus

Watch livestreams of Dr. Robert Ballard’s research vehicle Nautilus

The Nautilus is a research vehicle operated by the Ocean Exploration Trust, a nonprofit founded by Robert Ballard, one of the people who helped us find the Titanic. It conducts scientific research and offers live video and audio streams to those of us who are unable to come along. This year, it’ll journey along the…

Taking Notes in Vivaldi

Taking Notes in Vivaldi

Check out taking notes in Vivaldi for a quick way to collect information. The Vivaldi browser has a note taking feature built in to the browser. You can access it from the toolbar on the right, but default it’s the 3rd icon down. I wasn’t too interested in the Notes feature before they added syncing,…

Create new Google docs/sheets/slides/forms from the URL by appending .new

Create new Google docs/sheets/slides/forms from the URL by appending .new

Source: Google Docs on Twitter: “Introducing a ✨ .new ✨ time-saving trick for users. Type any of these .new domains to instantly create Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites or Forms ↓…” Google, who owns the .new top level domain, has set it up for you to quickly create several types of Google Documents. In the url…

The Islamic golden age vs the west

The Islamic golden age vs the west

What Islamic Golden Age Thinkers Discovered Long before the West   Sure you’ve heard of Copernicus, Fibonacci and Fermat. But what about Ibn al-haytham, al-Bīrūni, al-razi – the often uncredited Islamic Golden Age scholars who inspired and informed their discoveries?   Our interactive infographic charts the discoveries, inventions and scientific breakthroughs of the Islamic Golden…

Maybe coding skills aren’t what your kids will need in the future

Maybe coding skills aren’t what your kids will need in the future

An education is supposed to prepare you for the future. Traditionally, that meant learning certain facts and skills, like when Columbus discovered America or how to do multiplication and long division. Today, curriculums have shifted to focus on a more global and digital world, like cultural history, basic computer skills, and writing code.   Yet the challenges that our…